Monday, October 27, 2008

Critique: The Criteria

We should create a guideline to use and distribute for critiquing. This posting should help us begin to articulate a critique so that it is useful and productive.

Here is a starting point...please add/change as needed!

PURPOSE: critique is for helping the photographer/artist improve their craft. All comments should be given and received with that intent. If an artist submits a piece for critique, they are expected to give honest consideration to the suggestions.

LIKE/DISLIKE: Everyone has personal likes/dislikes when it comes to art. When reviewing, assume that if someone has gone through the effort of presenting a piece, they have an investment of time and emotion. They feel that something about it is worth sharing with their peers. Lone comments like "I love it" have good intent, but do nothing to help the artist if it isn't followed with a "Why I love it." This is also true of negative impressions. Disliking a piece can also be a desired response of the artist, but it is important for the critiquer to express exactly and succinctly why.

Try to be objective whenever possible. If the content is objectionable (but within accepted social norms), put aside bias.

Always offer suggestions for improvement and reinforce areas of success.

The following are areas for consideration in the critique process:

TECHNICAL: Was the focus and exposure executed well. Is the saturation or contrast appropriate? If obvious digital filters/enhancements are applied, are they improvements to the piece? Some pieces are intentionally "flawed," is it appropriate?

COMPOSITION: Content and cropping are the most obvious features for composition. Did the artist best frame the piece? Is there content that should be excluded? Are there distracting/clashing elements that could have been avoided? Could the piece be improved with color or B&W?

IMPACT/MESSAGE: Does the piece tell a story, capture an emotion, create an emotional response? Do all the technical and compositional pieces build into a good artistic piece?

MEDIA: (this is not usually a factor for critique, but perhaps it should be) How large is the picture and is it appropriate for the composition? Is the output appropriate for the intended audience (i.e. a Web image would have a different audience than a gallery image). Is it matted/framed appropriately?

VOICE: (again, not usually a factor, but might be interesting to consider). Does the piece reflect the voice of the artist. Is it consistent with previous works? Does it enhance or detract from their overall body of work?

1 comment:

mLetke said...

I think this is a very good start! I would add something about line under Composition. For example, Do the line(s) (diagonal, curved...) add to the photograph, draw the viewer in/out?
I think with this as a starting point we can now come up with a rough draft which included the logistics of how the club should conduct critiques - how often, how many photogrqaphs, what information to include...
If you think we are ready to do this let me know. I would be willing to take a stab at it.