Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Discussion: Print or Digital (or both)

When doing a presentation of a piece, we should define the appropriate display method. The two options are overhead display and printed (hardcopy). The club is looking into a new projector, but I'm not sure when that will be available. Overhead projectors offer the largest display and can make for a better presentation, but often lose detail and color. They also size all images equally. Printouts give the true impact of the artwork with the highest detail and colors as the artist intended. The downside is that there is a cost for the artist and an 8x10 piece is hard to show to an audience. Also, we'll need to build a lighted display box (which is not difficult or expensive) for this type of display.

1 comment:

Heath said...

I agree with both stated advantages.

If we agree to alternate between Cooperative and Competitive, we could have the competitive be a print format to truly show the detail of the work and the Cooperative be digital so that everyone can benefit from the critique. We should have the projector by the end of the year.

For the prints, we should talk to Nancy about display. In the Ireland club they mounted something like a chair rail to the wall that had a small ledge with at lip on it so that you could just set a matted or framed photo on it. If we could put up a double row of these, then everyone could just walk in a set their photo on the rail. at the start or end of the meeting, we could have everyone walk by and vote.